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OUR story

The best life — the life God intends for us — is an integrated life that is centered in Christ. Jesus seeks to be reflected in the everyday and ordinary places where we work, study, and play. We follow Christ by serving others and our desire is for every person to flourish and become their fullest and best selves.


We believe…flourishing starts with being rooted in Jesus Christ and allowing God to work in us through the Holy Spirit.


We believe…flourishing involves loving God and loving our neighbors (especially those who look different and think differently than us).


We believe…we flourish when we help others flourish.


To live this way, we want to be:
Followers of Jesus who know Jesus as a person, not just an idea.
Relational Bridge Builders who know no stranger, and work to connect people to each other and God.  Kingdom Ambassadors who point to Jesus where they are, declaring that His Kingdom life of flourishing is offered to all.


Grace Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) -

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